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Cape Town 2 Zanzibar 44N

The Train
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eSIM Zimbabwe📱N/A
eSIM Zambia📱N/A

5 Countries

Start Cape Town


Click to enlarge map

Finish Zanzibar

2021-05-27 16_34_41-Cape Town, South Afr
Picture of a marker on a map







2021-06-01 22_08_25-Africa chart - Micro
Time Table

Itinerary - underlined = tours


  • Cape Town 4N - 

  • Matjiesfontein - 2N

  • Train 1N - 

  • Kimberly 2N - 

  • Johannesburg (Now  known as Jozi), 

  • Melville 3N - 

  • Legend Golf and Safari Resort  2N - 

  • Sun City 2N - 

  • Jozi, Maboneng 1N = 17N


  • Gaborone 1N - 

  • Train 1N = 2N


  • Bulawayo 2N - 

  • Train 1N - 

  • Victoria Falls (Town) 2N - 

  • (Extra day - 1N - for Chobe day trip or just to stay in Livingstone or both) = 6N


  • Livingstone 2N - Train 1N - Lusaka 3N - Train (2N Maybe😂) - 8N


  • Dar es Salaam 3N - 

  • Zanzibar Stone Town 3N - 

  • Zanzibar Nungwi Beach 5N = 11N

17N +2N + 6N + 8N + 11N = 44N = 6Weeks

Highlights -

Old Colonial Hotels and Clubs

Matjiesfontein - historical town

Lesser Flamingos - don't worry they're still pink

Legends Golf Course

Safaris - Eight opportunities in three countries

Rhodesian Railways overnight train to Victoria Falls

5 African countries and 4 capitals

Famous -

When -

Because some trains only leave on certain days you'll either have to stick to the schedule, juggle it, or spend 3 - 4 days hanging around for the next one. Or fly or take a bus.

Start the trip in March or April for the weather, fewer crowds, cheaper prices and lots of water flowing over the Victoria Falls. It could be a bit wet in Zanzibar though.

If you like it hot and want to spend time on the beach try starting in January - February.

June to October is a good time for Zanzibar. You could start in May but it might be wet and stormy in Cape Town. February might be best except that it's going to be wet at Victoria Falls. So you'll need to work out where you want good weather and where you can put up with a bit of rain. It might be nice to have some sunshine on the beaches at the end of the trip.

Otherwise you could do this any time that was convenient to you. Just remember in the Southern Hemisphere the seasons are reversed. So it could be a good time to get away from the Northern winter. As you get further north it becomes more tropical.

Lines -

CAPE TOWN TO JOHANNESBURG - 1530 km (298 + 737 + 565)

Leave Cape Town at 9.05 am and arrive Matjiesfontein at 16.19 pm. Leave 2 days later at the same time and arrive Kimberly at 7.04 am the next day. Leave 2 days later at the same time and arrive in Johannesburg at 17.59 pm. 

Leave Table Mountain and head through the Cape vineyards, through the Karoo, then grasslands and farmlands on your way into Johannesburg. This train is great value and very comfortable.


Depart Gaborone 21.00 pm and arrive Bulawayo 12.30 pm the next day after a transfer at Francistown between 6.11 am and 7.00 am. There is a lounge here for first class passengers.  Border formalities are done at Plumtree station in Zimbabwe. New train with first class sleeper and buffet car. Gaborone and Francistown have new stations.


Depart at 19.30 pm and arrive at 8.00 or more likely 9 - 10 am. The classic way to travel to Victoria Falls. Very cheap. Take your own supplies which you can pick up in Pick and Pay in Bulawayo. The train is old and basic but the scenery more than makes up for this.


Catch the Friday train and get off in Lusaka as you have 3 nights before the next train arrives and Kapiri Mposhi isn't that exciting. Departs 20.00 pm and arrives 13.20 pm. Sleepers and dining car with beers.


TAZARA - Tanzanian and Zambian Railway Authority

Book at least a month in advance. Book the whole compartment - this is the only way mixed sexes can travel together. It can often run a day or two late. So be flexible and just take them off of your time in Zanzibar.

This train leaves on Tuesdays 16.00 and Fridays 14.00. Tuesday is the better train. Catch the bus early to Kapiri Mposhi, you will need to be at the station by14.00 pm and it is a 3 hour trip from Lusaka. It is a 2 night trip with some good scenery along the way. Leave at 16.00 pm Tuesday and arrive 12.10 pm Thursday. The scenery changes as you go along with the Tanzanian Highlands the highlight. There is a restaurant car and bar car. A great way to see the countryside.

Classes -

· There are 3 classes for the first leg.

Blue Train -

the most luxury and the highest price by a long way. Take it if you can afford it but you will miss the stops at Matjiesfontein, Kimberly and Joburg.

Premier Classe -

good value but doesn't run as often and you will miss Matjiesfontein.

Shosholoza Meyl - 

great value and you won't miss a thing.

· For all of the next legs just book the best you can. Prices are cheap. Go for First Class Sleepers and book the whole compartment out. Especially for mixed sexes who want to travel together on the last leg to Dar es Salaam.

History -

Cape Town 

aka the "Mother City" and the "Cape of Storms". The Dutch and the English played ping pong with the city for hundreds of years. Dutch 1692 - British 1795 - Dutch 1803 - British 1806. In the 1970's the government forcibly removed the 60,000 residents in District 6 to areas outside the Whites only city and demolished all of their houses.


was founded in 1884 by legendary Scottish railway man James Douglas Logan. It became a fashionable Victorian Health Spa. He built the hotel you will be staying in 15 years later. During the Boer War it was used as a hospital and a lookout post. Churchill's father and Rudyard Kipling came here to use the spa.

The first authenticated diamond was found at Hope Town in 1866. 3 years later the 83.5 carat the Star of South Africa triggered a diamond rush. The Kimberly mine was discovered in 1871 and would become the world's richest mine for nearly 100 years. At the beginning of the second Boer War Kimberly was held siege and the mine was closed for 124 days. The outbreak of WWI in 1914 caused mining operations to cease and the Kimberly mine never opened again.


aka Joburg / Jozi / "the City of Gold"and eGoli is the financial powerhouse of South and Southern Africa. Gold was found here in 1886 and it is now a world class city. it has the largest stock exchange in Africa and more than 70 % of South African companies have their headquarters here. Some of the rougher parts of the city are becoming gentrifried.

In response to German and Dutch annexation the leaders of Botswana did a deal with the British government and became a British Protectorate for 80 years. it was known as the Bechuanaland Protectorate and in 1966 they became the independent Republic of Botswana.


settlement goes back around 100,000 years. It was the home of many great kingdoms until the 1880's when it became a British colony called Southern Rhodesia. in 1965 the white minority declared independence and it became Rhodesia. A civil war ensued and lasted until 1980 when Robert Mugabe took control. In the nearly 40 years he held power he went from being a liberator to a brutal tyrant. He was ousted in a military coup in 2017.


was originally populated by tribes of hunter gatherers. in the 4th century AD farmers from the north moved in and introduced slash and burn agriculture. They lived in villages and kept animals. When the soil was exhausted they moved on to a new area. They cohabited peacefully with the bushmen for centuries. The first European in this area was David Livingstone in 1851. He was the first European to see Victoria Falls. He tried to develop trade in cotton and ivory to replace the slave trade but was unsuccessful. Cecil Rhodes got mining rights here in 1888 and by 1899 it was a British Protectorate which eventually became known as Northern Rhodesia. In 1964 it became the independent Republic of Zambia.

It is believed that we humans originated in the Rift Valley of East Africa and they have found Africa's oldest human remains in Tanzania. By 800 AD Arab and Persian traders had settled in Zanzibar. By the 1700's Zanzibar had become a centre for slave trading. In 1891 the colony of German East Africa was created and Zanzibar had become a British Protectorate. After WWI the British took over the colony and called it Tanganyika. The opposition to their rule achieved independence in 1961. Zanzibar won independence in 1963 and 5 months later merged with Tanganyika to form the United Republic of Tanzania.

About -

Fly into Cape Town and spend a few days looking around the "Mother City". Stay near the action in Kloof Street.

First train trip up to Matjiesfontein on the edge of the Great Karoo. Step back in time to the 1800's in this historical little village.

Next stop Kimberly and the famous Diamond Mine. In 1866 a 15 year old kid picked up an unusual rock that would have a lot of consequences. Stay at the old Kimberly Club which has had many famous people through its doors over the years.

Off to the big city - Jozi. Plenty to see here including Soweto, a town famous throughout the world and synonymous with apartheid. Stay in the pleasant neighbourhood of Melville with lots of restaurants and bars to choose from.

If you're not a golfer you could skip the next few days or do the last half. Although you could do it just for the safari side of things and even non golfers could play the replica par 3 course. And there are Game Drives, Quad bikes, Mountain bikes and a swimming pool to keep you entertained.

Rent a car  

(4 or 5 days depending on how long you want to stay in Sun City) early and drive to the Legend Golf and Safari Resort. Play the Par 3 Replica course of the world's most famous par 3 holes. Next day play the signature course where each hole is designed by a golfing legend. Capped off by a helicopter flight to the extreme 19th the longest par 3 in the world. A 600m par 3 with a 400m level change from tee to green, which is in the shape of a map of Africa.

Head off to Sun City for a couple of days of relaxing, more golf (8 courses) and just hanging by the pool. Or you could head off for another Safari.

Back to Jozi, have a look at Pretoria on the way through and have lunch at Afroboer.  Drop the car off and one last night in South Africa in Maboneng.

Have a hearty breakfast nearby then off to the bus station to go to the capital of Botswana, Gaborone. There's not a lot to do here. You could get straight on the train and leave or spend the night. Apart from the train this will be your only night in Botswana. Get a nice hotel near the train station and enjoy a little pool time. You could go shopping and pick up a souvenir of your short time you were in the country. Or pick up a car head out to the Gaborone Nature Reserve to cross a few more animals off of your list. Pick up some meat and have a BBQ picnic lunch while you're there. There are no dangerous animals in this value for money park.

Take the overnight train to Bulawayo and spend a couple of nights in this pleasant town. Old pubs and clubs, some railway history and the UNESCO listed Matobo National Park complete with Cecil Rhode's grave.

Another overnight train will see you arriving at one of the 7 wonders of the world, Victoria Falls. Spend a couple of nights on either side of the Zim Zam Bridge. In Zambia stay at fantastic riverside accommodation. Plenty of time to see the falls and the associated activities. Everything is expensive here and a lot of it, adrenalin inducing. 

Use the extra day to go to the Chobe National Park, one of the best.

Now for some African train adventures. You'll need to be flexible because things don't always run on time around here. Fares are cheap so get First Class sleepers. They are same sex only unless you book the complete compartment . Take some food and water aboard as well. There is a bar and a dining car but it doesn't hurt to have some back up. There are no shops near the station so buy them before you go out. Also your money wil be no good when ypou leave the country so make sure you don't have too much. You might want a bit for the bar and the dining car.

Catch the overnight train from Livingstone to Lusaka and spend 3 nights there taking in the culture. Plenty of nearby attractions as well as nightlife.

Head of early to Kapiri Mposhi and get to the New train station 2 hours before departure time, which is 16.00 pm.

Two or more days later you'll be arriving in the capital of Tanzania - Dar es Salaam. It's worth a few days here before heading out to the island. If your train was overtime just chop a couple of days off here or in Zanzibar.

There are numerous fast ferries to Zanzibar that will get you there in a couple of hours or less. Spend a couple of nights in Stone Town the UNESCO Heritage listed old part of the city in a fabulous hotel by the beach.  Have a look at the Fort, the old buildings and bazaars. Head over to Changuu or Prison Island for the day. Wander back in time through the maze of alleyways in the old town. You'll amuse yourself for hours with a new discovery around each corner.

Head up the coast to Nungwi Beach. It will take about an hour depending on whether you take a private car, shared minivan or the chicken bus. Great beach, stunning sunsets, lots of food and nightlife, enjoy a few days here winding up your trip.

It is almost as cheap to fly as to take the ferry, plus the trip back on the boat can get quite rough. Also there are direct international flights from the local airport. So when it's time to go fly out. See Airports for more information.

Budget -

Fluctuation is the name of the game. You will have different options, but to enjoy this trip properly you should be prepared to spend up big every now and then. At other times there won't be any luxury options available. If you can't afford something just skip it and move on to the next stage.  But if you can afford it splurge out on some of these luxuries. You only live once!

Airports -

Cape Town International Airport (CPT) -

Has direct flights to Eurpoe, New York, Atlanta, Dubai and Doha. You may have to fly via Johannesburg.

Johannesburg - OR Tambo International Airport (JNB) -

There are direct flights to Sydney / Perth / Singapore / Hong Kong / Sao Paulo / Atlanta / New York / Washington / Africa / Middle East and 8 countries in Europe.

Dar Es Salaam Airport (DAR) -

Has direct flights to Amsterdam, Istanbul, Cairo, Bangkok, Mumbai, Hanoi, UAE and Doha. It may be easier to connect through Johannesburg or Nairobi.

Zanzibar's Kisauni Airport (ZNZ) -

Has direct flights from Europe, Doha, Dubai and Johannesburg. You could probably get return flights from your home to Johannesburg as it is a major hub for South Africa.

Check here for airfares.

Stay @ or near -

CAPE TOWN 4N - near Kloof Street - 

Stay at the Mount Nelson *****

 if you can afford it 

otherwise the Kloof Street Hotel **** 

or Never at home Kloof Street


Lord Milner Hotel ***

(A National Heritage Site) with the coldest swimming pool in Africa - built in the 1890's and staff still attired appropriately for that period - Matjies Mews - cheaper rooms in the gardens


The Kimberly Club Boutique Hotel **** - 

not on


Saffron Guest House ****

Melville, Jozi 


Legend Golf and Safari Resort  


The Cabanas Hotel at Sun City Resort ***

JOHANNESBURG 1N - trendy apartment in Maboneng, Jozi - 

Mabenong Studio Loft 


Hilton Garden Inn **** 


The Bulawayo Club ***  - 

also the Selborne Hotel ***½ 

Colonial gem around the corner with pool and pub and great balconies - not on

VICTORIA FALLS 2N +1N -  at the historical 

Victoria Falls Hotel *****

but you won't get much change out of a thousand - not on Otherwise just go for afternoon tea or a look around and stay at the

N1 Hotel & Campsite Victoria Falls


Victoria Falls Waterfront ***,

riverfront with a pool, restaurant, bar BBQ, great views, cruise boat (Recommended) - not on 

Otherwise the Ngoma Zanga Lodge ***

 in town - not on


Natwange Backpackers ***

Outdoor pool, garden, restaurant, bar, 10 minute walk to shopping mall

Hilton Garden Inn Society Business Park ****

In the centre of town nect door to a shopping centre, outdoor swimming pool, restaurant, bar, great views from the higher floors


Golden Tulip Dar es Salaam

at Masaki (not the city centre) 

Slipway Souk Rooms 

Slow Leopard


Tembo House Hotel****


Emerson on Hurumzi


Langi Langi Beach Bungalows** 

See -

Sunset from Signal Hill - Cape Town - BYO sundowners

District Six Museum - Apartheid

UNESCO World Heritage Site Robben Island - Where Nelson was jailed - many ex prisoners lead the tours - book ahead

Have a look at the Mount Nelson Hotel if you're not staying there

Slave Lodge museum

The Cape of Good Hope

Matjiesfontein - Stargazing / Museums

The world's largest hand dug hole -


Kamfers dam and 80,000 lesser Flamingos 

(If you're lucky)

Galeshelwe - 

one of the oldest townships in South Africa

McGregor Museum

The Apartheid Museum - Jozi

Lilliesleaf Farm -

secret headquarters of the ANC

Constitution Hill

Bulawayo Railway Museum

with Cecil Rhode's private railway car

UNESCO Heritage Listed Matobo National Park and Cecil Rhode's grave

Old Bulawayo

open air museum

Miniature Zambia at 

Nembo Scenic Park - Lusaka

Safari day trip to Chaminuka Game Reserve

72 species of mammals and reptiles and over 300 species of birds. See lions, cheetahs, ostriches, hyenas, giraffes and elephants. The cheetahs are the main attraction and will amaze you with their abilities. Also get a meal of Zambian specialties. Only 25 kms from the city.

See baby elephants at the 

Lilayi Elephant Orphanage

Parays Game Ranch

White Lions

Village museum

Dar es Salaam - learn about the local culture

Off shore islands are popular on the weekends

Slave Museum / Palace Museum  / House of Wonders - Stone Town Zanzibar

Dhow boat building


Do -

Cape Town - Cable car up Table Mountain

Hop on Hop off Wine Trams - 4 routes

Matjiesfontein - 

Johnnies London bus tour

Ghost Tour


Mine Tour, museum & tram ride 

around it - see the Old Town and peek in the Diamond Vault.

Visit the Freddie Tait Golf Museum and have a round at the Kimberly Golf Club that was established in 1890.

Sunset cruise on DaRiva

Soweto Tour Jozi

Maboneng Walking Tour

Hop on Hop off Bus

Have a BBQ at the Gaborone Game Reserve

Ride on horseback through

Tshabalala Game Sanctuary - Bulawayo

Go to the pool at the Deck bar at the Banff Lodge - Open air thatch bar and restaurant with good food, pool and a lawn

Victoria Falls

walk through the National Park on a path at the top of the gorge, Cataract View is a highlight. Around full moon the park opens at night to see the Lunar Rainbow.

Bungee jump / Bridge swing / Bungee swing / White water rafting / Helicopter flights / Micro light flights / Hire wire activities / the Devil's Pool (mid August to mid January) / the Angel's Pool / Skydiving / Abseiling - or you could just stand there and look at it.

Also there is Horse riding / Jet Boat / Canopy Walks / Canoeing and Sunset cruises (Hippos and almost unlimited bar)

The World renowned Chobe National Park 

day trip from Victoria Falls - River cruise, Game drive and lunch at Cresta Mowana Lodge. It is home to one of the largest game concentrations in Africa.

Quad Biking 

and Horse Riding - Livingstone

Play golf at the Lusaka Golf Club

"Zambia's most prestigious sporting facility"

Dar es Salaam - historical walking, cycle and nightlife tours

Dhow trips with snorkelling and lunch on a deserted beach

Coco beach for street food, concerts, and beach parties - check the guide

Day trip to Prison Island and Nakupenda Beach

see 200 year old giant tortoises, snorkelling on the reef and the amazing sand bar.

Cooking Class with market visits

Spice Tour - Stone Town Zanzibar

Hire a scooter 

and check out the island - Nungwi Beach

Snorkelling or diving with coral and marine life

Play the 9 hole Sea Cliff Golf Course

spectacular views along the coast and the only course on the island

Dhow sunset cruise - hire your own boat

Horseback riding along the beach

Volleyball and soccer on the beach each day before sunset out the front of the Nungwi Inn Hotel

Eat -

Bree Street

Cape Town

Afternoon Tea 

at the Mount Nelson Hotel

All of the pubs in Matjiesfontein and Kimberly have good authentic food

Melville -

 in Jozi - lots of al fresco cafes and restaurants

Lunch at the Bulawayo Club

Dinner at the Selborne Hotel 

around the corner

Dinner and drinks at 

Nesbitt Castle

and Dragons Den Pub Bulawayo

High Tea on Stanley's Terrace 

at the Victoria Falls Hotel - stick around for sunset

The Lookout Cafe / The Three Monkeys

Steam Train from Livingstone 

on various routes - sunset on Zim Zam Bridge

High Tea at the Royal Livingstone

Curry at the Bombay Lounge -


Gelato at GigiBonta

Sunday Brunches in Dar - Salt Restaurant in Oyster Bay and Karambezi Cafe in the Sea Cliff Hotel

Mishkaki - meat on a stick

Baobab seeds

from the famous trees, considered a super food

Cape Town Fish Market 

for seafood and sundowners

Rohobot Ethiopian Restaurant 

Addis in Dar - Ethiopian

The Rock Restaurant for lunch - 

pre book / 2 seatings 12 pm and 2 pm

Rooftop restaurants

 in Stone Town -

 Tea House Restaurant

Tarab Restaurant 


Forodhani Park 

for sundowners and street food - avoid the reheated seafood

Food tours

Zanzibar Pizza

 - not your average pizza

Octopus mishkaki 

(Skewers), Curry, BBQ

Biryani / Chips Mayai - Chip omelet

Lukmaan Restaurant & Passing Show are local institutions

Nungwi Roundabout at night for local food

Langi Langi 

has good Indonesian food

Drink -

Cape Town

Kloof and Long Streets 


The Lairds Arms 

Kimberly, uninterrupted service since 1870

Star of the West Pub

The Halfway House

Bar and Beer Garden

The Occidental Bar

at the Mine Museum


7th St Melville

The Anti Social Social Club and Tiny Tiki Bar - 7th St

Hell's Kitchen

Live music - 7th

The Living Room

Rooftop Bar Maboneng

Bulawayo - Cocktails at the 

Bulawayo Club

Kings Head Pub

Zimbabwe's oldest  attached to the Selborne Hotel around the corner

Victoria Falls

Buffalo Bar

Sundowners at Vic Falls

Shoestrings Bar

party on weekends


Skybar - 

Dar es Salaam -

Bar in Dar -


The famous Masaki Strip

 for bars and clubs and live music


sugar spirit try it in a Dawa with honey, lime, sugar and ice

Alexanders Rooftop 

seafood restaurant

The Waterfront Restaurant and Beach Bar

for seafood and sundowners


Jaws Corner 

for cardamom spiced Arabic coffee - Stone Town

6 Degrees South / Africa House

for sundowners

Beach side bars and lounges 

Clubs in Stone Town

Full Moon Party - Kendwa Rocks 

+ overnight beach party every Saturday from 10 pm till morning

Gerry's Bar & Restaurant

Nungwi Beach - happy hour, sundowners, food and live music at good prices


for reggae and dancing - Wednesdays and Sundays

Mangi's Bar 

for sundowners, ex-pats and parties

Z Hotel Rooftop Bar 

for sundowners and Dawas

Don't Miss -


The Apartheid Museum 

Souvenirs -


Sunday Craft Market Lusaka

Kabwata Cultural Village, Lusaka - 

see craftsmen at work. Over 80 artists from all 9 provinces. Live performers and a traditional restaurant.

Dar es Salaam / tanzanian coffee

The Tinga Tinga Arts Co-operative Society 

Zanzibar - Spices / Oils / Arts and crafts

Visa -


Nationals of 49 countries don't need a visa for South Africa for a stay of up to 90 days. Check with your Embassy.


Over 100 countries don't need a visa for a stay of 90 days in Botswana. Those that do can get an e-visa online rather than lining up at the border. Your passport should have 6 months validity.


The best visa for both Zimbabwe and Zambia is the Kaza Univisa. It will save you money and save you time when you go back and forth across the border between these two countries. Also you will be able to go to Botswana for the Chobe trip. You can pick it up online or get it upon entry.


40 countries can visit for 90 days visa free but these don't include the usual ones. More likely your one of the 55 nationalities who can get a 3 month e-visa online. It's a simple process and the e-visa is e-mailed to you. Much easier than waiting in line at the border. Check with your Embassy.


Most countries will need a visa which you can either get online or at the border. Once again it's probably much easier to do online than mucking around when you get there.


Most people will need to get an e-visa which takes 10 working days to receive and gives you 90 days when you arrive.

Tips -

Book everything ahead that you can, most of the accommodation is on where you get free cancellation and no deposit.

You will need a Yellow fever vaccination for this trip.

Take some US$ cash with you. Always a good idea anyway. US$300 in a range of denominations. Will be useful for visas, the ferry to Zanzibar and the airport tax out.

Border crossings are straight forward and they come aboard the train so you don't even have to get up.

Take an international drivers license with you

Don't carry food around the falls or the baboons will harass you

Give warthogs a wide berth

Zanzibar is semi-autonomous so you will need your passport to get through immigration. No separate visa required.

Go back to Train Trips

Image by Albrecht Fietz from Pixabay

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