· One of the great things about travel is not only trying new things but trying them where they originated and often where they're the best. Every place is unique in its own way. From the environment to the culture, history, food, drink, language, building materials, architecture, etc. And each one influences all of the others in so many ways. That is why they are unique as the same set of circumstances don't occur anywhere else.
· Before we had free trade, people had to rely on what was around them and do what they could with what they had. This is why we have the wonderful diversity that we do. It's why some people cook with butter, some use olive oil and others animal fats. The Maasai tribe in Africa live on mainly milk, blood and meat from the same animal. All raw and they are very healthy, tall, fit and strong.
· Before Christopher Columbus found the Americas there were no chilies in Asia. They used peppercorns for heat. Each region in Italy proudly defends their traditional ways. Imagine having to eat McDonald's or KFC every day. Shoot me now.
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Unique Cao Dai religion - Tay Ninh, Vietnam
· Each culture is shaped by its history. Look at the colonial influences around the world. They had a major impact on architecture, infrastructure, language, bureaucracy, government, cuisine, law etc. Where would we be if the French and the Vietnamese hadn't got together to create Banh Mi Thit (Vietnamese Meat Rolls).
· Fauna and Flora make up a big part of the country. Imagine Australia without Kangaroos. A tropical beach without palm trees. In fact, it is their uniqueness that makes us want to go to countries in the first place. So, it would be crazy not to try and experience as much of it as possible while you're there.
· Local building materials are another factor which affects how everything looks. Just think of homes made out of coral, sandstone, adobe, bamboo, caves etc.